Beginner Class


Tuesday (in German)
19:30 - 20:45
01 Oct. - 17 Dec. 2024
Wednesday (English & French)
18:00 - 19:15
02 Oct. - 18 Dec. 2024
Thursday (in German)
20:30 - 21:45
03 Oct. - 19 Dec. 2024

Your schedule is flexible!
You don't have to attend the same day every week!


Palais Palffy: 1010 Wien, Josefsplatz 6 (1st floor, one level above the ground floor)
111 euros /pers.
11 evenings with 1¼ hours
Viennese Waltz, English Waltz, Quickstep, Tango, Cha Cha, Rumba, Boogie, Samba
Basic steps and basic figures
Wednesday: bilingual English/ French
how to practice
We have a practice every Monday. Our teacher Anne-Sophie (who speaks French, English & German) is there to help you with the rhythm and the steps, and to answer all your questions.
More details ....

Book this class

Free trial

You can come to the first eve­ning as a free trial. You will pay only if you de­cide to book the class!

Fle­xi­ble clas­ses!

You can switch be­tween all three be­gin­ner clas­ses whene­ver you wish, de­pen­ding on your own avai­la­bi­li­ties.

Join us du­ring the se­mes­ter

If you pos­sess the cor­res­pon­ding dance skills, you may also join us in the middle of the se­mes­ter.

Please do not he­si­tate to con­tact us per e­mail or per te­le­phone: we will inform you about our avai­la­bi­li­ties and con­di­tions.